Friday, September 13, 2013

Photo analysis

The main subject is a bear inside a poler bear costume. I see a dark room in the middle theres a black bear sitting down inside a poler bear costume but without the cosutme head holding the zipper. The photographer looks like as if he took a simple front to front angle photo. It looks as if the bear was probbably trying to look as someone else. He looks mad as if he killed a polar bear and is using his skin. when i look at this i think what was going threw the bears mind and how he feels. To me this photo means don't try to be something you'r not.
The main object here is the guy standing there with the red hodie. To me it seems as if the guy is getting photos of his mind tooken. It looks as if the pictures are photos of his mind and thoughts. to me that mean that every person thinks diffrently. Also that not everywon is happy you can have bad thoughts and good thoughts. I wonder what was he thinking when they were taking photos of him. I think the person who was taking the photo he had the subject turn and he just took a simple photo.

The main subject of this photo is the married couple about to kiss. I see too couples about to kiss poping out of a photo on the wall. This photo was token just in front of them. I think they were using green screen, that they made them put them selves in a special position. It makes me wonder how did they take the photo like what type of special effect did they use. I think the meaning to this is to show the love beetwen each other or just love in general.

The main subject here is the car crusing around. I see a car raising up and people walking staring at the car and people in the background. it looks like the person who took the photo was taking the photo from a distance. When i look at this photo i think where was this and are those people put there on purpose or there just random. The photographers purpose was to show us how cool that place or car is.

The main subject here is a dog and the tennis ball. I see a dog jumped into the water chasing for a ball. I think the photographer was in the water or maybe theres just a camrera to auto take pictures. I can say that they probably made a dog to throw himself to the water to take pics the only way to take the pis was to throw a ball. I think when i look at this pic is how did they come up with it. There reason was probably just to have fun.

The main subjects are old peanuts eating young ones. I see 3 old peanuts eating the young one or there probably like zombie peanuts. i think the photographer was looking down just a little slanted. I think there showing how mad the old are geting of the young wons. Also it can represent the poor getting or strugeling for the rich people things. I think why did the phototgrapher chose peanuts.

The main subject is a car flying in mid air. I see the background kind of like blured or shimid and i also see a bird or eagle flying and well a car flying. I think the photographer was standing from a distance looking up. I think that they put the bird to expand the thought that its a car flying in mid air. I think how did they take this photo and did like the car go on a ramp. The photo motive is to show the bueaty in that car.

The main subject in this photo is the ice cream cake . I see the background blurred and consintrated in the food i also see fruit on the side and a spoon. I think the person was slanted up but just a little concintrated on the photo. I question myself y am i not eatin that right now. The personsnpurpose was to make you want to eat that and hungry.

The main subject in the photo is the football player jumping in air with the football. I see the football player jumping trying to juke the other player hes probably running for the touch down or made an internseption. I wonder what happend for they dude to be that high in the air. The persons motive was to show what a good game it was.

The main subject it the board riding or crusing. I see the background blurred and the trucks the wheels the deck a raiser and the bolts and the ground is like in lines. I think the person taking the photo prbably just like taped the camera or plased it under his deck taking auto photos.
The persons motive was to show him riding his board.


The main object it the board. I see a board in the street still or like riding toward the light. I think the photo was taken from the ground slanted thats why it looks as if the board is riding to the ground. I think that the time was in the sunset or sunrise the background is blurred and also a little of the front. I think why did they chose to do this and what time was it. I think the motive was to make you wonder and see the bueaty.

The main object in this photo is a slug rideing a motorcycle. I see a slug riding a motorcycle you cant really tell the background as it's been blurred. The photo angel looks like sideways on the left. Well it might be just like a clay slug or its just a modified picture trying to make this photo look real. I wonder how did they come up with a slug rideing a motorcycle. I think the purpose was to make you wonder.

The main object is the soccer ball. The angle was token from the ground.

The main objects are the three players. The photo was token from a distance during a game. The background is blurred.

There is no main object its just the whole thing. The angle was token from bellow looking up.

The main object is the guy getting a tooth brush out of his nose. The photo has been modified to be bright in the back.

vans shoes

street art

What chu looking at baby face.

you can do it ant photo