Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I learned How to take depth of Field Photos. I picked this photo because it shows a good depth of field and the red stands out great.

I chose this photo because it shows some depth of field even tho I know it has a little bit of over brightness I just liked how Ale came out.

This photot shows a good shuter speed speed because of the stop motion in her hair. I chose it because she looks like if she just came from parting.

This photo shows a good fill in the frame. I chose it because of the crispness in the eye and the little bit of depth of field in the front. It just lokks realy awesome.

This photo shows a good portriat photo i took. I like this photo because of the kind childesh look she has.

I just chose this photo because i like it, it shows me and my friend chillen.

This photo shows a good shuter speed. I like it because of Mr. Pederson expresion.

I chose this photo because it shows my photoshoping skills and because I like the way I looked all zombied up.

This photo shows a good depth of field and i chose it because I Like the way her cheeks came out.

This photo shows some depth of field not a lot of crispness tho But I Liked it because of her expresion.

I liked the photoshoping and the being able to have fun taking photos of friends and objects, I also liked the feeling of being able to look at the photots and being like wow i cant believe I took that. I think bieng able to know how to work a camera, position, able to make something look strong and phototshop. Are the best things I learned. I would tell the next year students to Dont slack off, Take good use of your time, and have fun with it. Also to learn photoshop to mess around with peoples faces. This class was the best class I had thanks for all the information Mr. Pederson Your the best teacher, Thanks for the great Year.