Thursday, October 10, 2013


1    In order for me to take this photo I looked at were the sun was shining to get a good photo once I found it I got in position under the tree and alined the photo then took it.

2      In order to get this photo I was thinking of getting a photo of a thing or place were people don't think of I had to put my hand in the back and kinda guess what position or how would the best photo of this look like.

3     In order to take this photo I decided were I wanted the person to stand ond how i want them to look like so i told him to look that way and pose.

 4   This photo is my strongest because I like it how it looks like a mini jungle. It makes me feel like if im a small animal looking at the tall leaves. I also like it because it looks like something a person normally would not see. It looks cool how the leaves just stand out then you focus more and you start to see all the little extra things on the ground. To me it's just a really cool photo.

5   Some of the challenges were like timeing since i was absent one of the days i had to hurrry and rush to try to take as much as good photos i can get. Another was lighting since it was really sunny outside it would sometimes make my photo look good others it just mest me up. Those were my challenges i over came.

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