Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I learned How to take depth of Field Photos. I picked this photo because it shows a good depth of field and the red stands out great.

I chose this photo because it shows some depth of field even tho I know it has a little bit of over brightness I just liked how Ale came out.

This photot shows a good shuter speed speed because of the stop motion in her hair. I chose it because she looks like if she just came from parting.

This photo shows a good fill in the frame. I chose it because of the crispness in the eye and the little bit of depth of field in the front. It just lokks realy awesome.

This photo shows a good portriat photo i took. I like this photo because of the kind childesh look she has.

I just chose this photo because i like it, it shows me and my friend chillen.

This photo shows a good shuter speed. I like it because of Mr. Pederson expresion.

I chose this photo because it shows my photoshoping skills and because I like the way I looked all zombied up.

This photo shows a good depth of field and i chose it because I Like the way her cheeks came out.

This photo shows some depth of field not a lot of crispness tho But I Liked it because of her expresion.

I liked the photoshoping and the being able to have fun taking photos of friends and objects, I also liked the feeling of being able to look at the photots and being like wow i cant believe I took that. I think bieng able to know how to work a camera, position, able to make something look strong and phototshop. Are the best things I learned. I would tell the next year students to Dont slack off, Take good use of your time, and have fun with it. Also to learn photoshop to mess around with peoples faces. This class was the best class I had thanks for all the information Mr. Pederson Your the best teacher, Thanks for the great Year.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I choose to save this car because when in a zombie attack a car is what is always needed. To escape death.
This is me zombiefied staring with the arm I got a photo of fries with a type of sauce and I transformed it and stretched it. The neck is a infected eye that I put in both sides of my neck by coping it and fitting it. The cut in my cheek is steak I transformed it then I erased some sides made them pointy for it can look more realistic than just a circle or square. The rest of my face I got a nasty looking alien demon and transformed it for it to fit my face. The eye I just grabbed dodge tool and lightened my eye a lot. For the red in my eye I selected what I wanted and I filed it with red then I made like overlay and played with the opacity. Then I got burn tool and burned around my eye. What I think I could have done to make it better was touch up my shirt more. Also token out that blue next to the right of my neck. That's how I did my zombiefied.  

I chose to save my beloved math teacher to be able to use him as bait for I can have time to run or kill.

Cheez-it represents food in general because if the zombies don't get me I will still need food to survive.

That represents a weapon to be able to kill zombies and not fall in to the hands of death.
I would save water because it is something that is need in order to live.

Post your four “surviving” photos & Zombie picture to your blog with a short write up about each one, why you chose that “item” and what technical/logistical issues you faced including your zombie self portrait


I choose this image because in my perspective she looked very liked those type of people who try there best but have lots of hidden secrets. This model was really good with being able to be aware of what I was saying. The only thing I had to do was fix her posture. Some challenges were lighting and finding a place that has no distracting object. We overcame those objects by finding a good shady or dim place. For the distracting objects we would move them or find a new place. I think I could oved made this photo better by doing depth of field and try not to have that tree in the back.

I choose this image because I think she looks adorable she was trying to do her puppy face. She's a great model she would be doing some postures without even having to tell her. Some challenges were lighting because as you can tell its a little overexposed. I fixed this a little by Photoshop. I think this photo would oved been better if I would have paid more attention to lighting.
I chose this photo because I think it was funny that she choose a math book . She was a good model with listening and being ready. Some problems were finding the right spot to take a photo of her. We wen behind the science buildings and found this cool corner spot wich was a great photo taking spot. I think a good depth of field could have helped.
I chose this photo because it shows her being happy , it shows some emotion. As far as model shes great and natural. Some trouble was lighting and since her shirt was white the brightness hit really hard on the photo. I tried fixing it by covering her from the sun. This photo would have been better if I fixed the lighting.
I chose this photo because I found it adorable and silly. She is an awesome model and very creative with her wildcard. Some challenges was making sure we both were in shadow. I fixed it by movie to a shady area. I think a moving that round object would have made this photo better.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Inner Child

I chose this photo because it doesn't just look like shes faking it, you can see her true happiness. 

 I like this photo because its funny and it shows her goofy side.
 I like this photo because she looks like a little adorable kid mad at someone for taking her candy.
I like this photo because it shows her funny,goofy,weird side. And because i caught her off guard.

working with a model was fun and difficult because i had one who didn't now how to make the face and the other one was perfect making all types off good faces. As a model myself.... sucked because i didn't now how to do one thing or how to do the other I was getting lost. I had some successes with being able to accomplish a little of depth of field. I think becoming the model helps you as the photographer now how the model feels and how she/she works. I'm excited to be the photographer because i like taking photos that i think suck but later its like oh that was pretty beast photo. I'm concerned with knowing how to get a good depth of field and how do i work with.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This photo is my strongest because it even makes me feel like wow that is awesome like it looks strange. The problem was the camera not focusing on the eye. Fixed it bye holding the button half way and waited.
 This photo is strong because it somehow makes something look nasty look cool and amazing. I didn't really have any problem.

This photo is strong because it captures the nature framing in a fascinating way. The challenge was the lighting. I fixed that with photoshop.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I took this photo from an angle but i was standing like face foward. I had trouble with choosing the shutter speed and alot of the lighting. I fixed it with photo shop.

I was standing foward while moving and following the awesome biker and holding the button half way. The lighting was a huge challenge agian I fixed it by asking a friend.

I took this photo really fast because of the movment and speed of the car. I took it with the tripod and straight on. the lighting was good and I photoshoped it.
I took the photo straight on While following the runner. I had no trouble.