Wednesday, December 18, 2013


My inspiration was the movment that they were showing . My story was that there was some type of fight and this girl got kicked a way you wont believe.  Adjusting the brightness was a cmrera difficulty I had. I fixed it by asking for help.  A challenge is getting started because you have no idea what to do.

My insperation was superman im trying to make it tell the story of supermans flying powers. An obstacle was to make sure there was nowon in the background. I fixed it by always checking the back. A challenge was figuring out how I wanted her positioned.  
 I didn't really have an inspiration it just poped in my head and I wasn't trying to tell a story. The obstacle was the background light and taking away the chair.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Creative Controls

  1. Which Aperture makes a wider hole in the lens for light to come through? F/3.5 or
  2. Which Aperture lets more light into the camera to hit the image sensor? F/5.6 or
  3. Which Aperture keeps more of the foreground and background in focus? or F/11.
  4. Which Shutter Speed is faster?or 1/200 second.
  5. Which Shutter Speed keeps the door in the camera open for more time? 1/30 second or.
  6. Which Shutter Speed is best for stopping action? or 1/200 second

The fstop affects the photo by a lot the lower the aperture the more light is let in the higher the less. You would use the low for when its darker and the higher for when its bright.

When not in motion the shutter speed affects alot to the brightness of the photo and color. Like with low shutter speed you get brightness in the photo and not so crisp with high you get a really good photo . with median the photo is in like the eh point of view its a good photo but a little to bright.

For when someone moves if you put a high shutter speed it can completely freeze but the colors might change. The reason why the photo can stop is because the lens close really really fast.

Panning is done with a high but low like in the middle shutter speed . Then you are moving with the object in motion while the background is like in a blur state.

In a shallow deep of field photo is when you put one object in focus while the background has this blur its like a panning photo but without movement.
  1. Depth of field is when the photo adds a really deep emotion where you can just stare at the photo. The object is in focus but the background is blur. 
  2. A situation in which you would use a wide aperture is in like a football game because its dark and you need lots of light to go in. It will help you with a rule of thirds. 
  3. Because if a photo has a low shutter speed and the person is in motion you will not get that photo much good because you wont see the object good.

Friday, November 15, 2013


  This is a photo of a poster I liked it because of the colors. This is my best because of the quality.

This is a photo of a fence I liked it because it doesn't look like a fence and makes you wonder what is it. It my best because of the interesting and the quality. 

This a photo of lil ball plants I liked it because you wonder what is it and it stands out. Its my best because of the quality and subjects. 
This a photo of a sorts tree plant I like the designed it has. Its my best because of its patterns.

The skills that i think i have well is that ik what position would make a good photo and what subject would make a good photo. My next object is controlling my neatness and make sure i add time to photo edit them. Just continue what your doing Mr.Pederson.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Personal Composition

Leading Lines

 The point of interest is the tree its leading to. That is just a wall but in order to take  a leading line one i just took a photo from a lower pointy of view. The leading line technique is important because it makes you go straight to the point and focus on it. I think i can improve the color.

The point of interest is how the lines connect. I got in a lower angle to take this photo. The is strong because the way you follow the lines like you automatically follow the lines. I think i could improve the crispness.

Rule of Thirds

 The point if interest is the green pin. I placed the subject on top of a little stand on the wall. I think this technic is good because it make the normal which is in the middle make it look better becaus its on the side. I think i could improve the colors and the crispness.
The point of interest is anthony. I took him by surprise. I think its a strong example because its more interesting to have him on the side then the middle. I could fix the brightness and the colors also the crispness.  

Fill the Frame

 The main subject is the wall. I just had the wall there si i just took it straight on. Its a strong example because nothing in the photo bothers you like nothing in the background. I could improve the colors.

 The main subject is the plant i just took the photo from above. I think this is a strong example because it shows off the beauty in the plant without any distractions. I would improve the brightness and the dark places lighter. 


Fill in the frame

I think the photographer did an excellent job on filling in the frame with this photo. The fill in the frame helps you really see the tecture of this photo and really understand what the photographer wanted you to see. The fill in the frame takes out the distraction of the other objects in order to concentrate on one object.

Rule of thirds


I think this phtoto shows alot of the rule of thirds because you really get how important skateing to her is. The photo also shows her feeling and emotions on how she feels about skating. The rule of thirds helps the photo look better.

The leading lines help the photo give intrest to the person whos looking at the photo. You get intrested like oh whats it leading to what its going to do. It just gives a huge effect on the photo on how good and itreasting it looks.